CONCEPTION + video + motion


Web series for Renault and Dacia that are both useful (e.g. practical information tutorials) and fun, helping to create a good brand image and reinforce a sense of belonging and pride.


/Renault, Existential questions

The concept of the series is to feature Renault drivers, freed from the constraints of maintaining their cars – thanks to Renault Service – and who have plenty of time to ask themselves existential questions. “Can fish hold their breath?” or “Aren’t mussels the pistachios of the sea?


/Renault, Jack

A film presenting all the online solutions for servicing your Renault, featuring a customer who lets his wife think he’s the king of mechanics.



A series of films, somewhere between a brand image and a tutorial, presents Dacia’s after-sales services. The concept, called En route avec Antoine, shows Antoine at the wheel of his Dacia, accompanied by carpool passengers who change from one episode to the next, and whom Antoine uses as a pretext to talk about maintenance contracts, accessories or bodywork.

Agency: Dream On
Client: Renault SAV

2015, 2016 et 2018

20 episodes for Renault Existential Questions and 10 for Dacia, broadcast on their respective websites internationally for 5 years, purchased by all Renault and Dacia regions.

Concept : H.Prat & C.Manuel
Art Direction video, casting, stylism and decor: C.Manuel
Creation directors: E.Hooreman (Renault Existential Questions), A.Sebaoun (Renault Jack and Dacia)
Copywriting: H.Prat
Prod: U. Bertrand
Montage: E.Mougey