CONCEPTION + branding + RS + VIDEO
Musée du Louvre
The Louvre is one of the most important museums in the world, with 35,000 works on display in 72,735 m2 of galleries.
In 2017, the museum’s graphic charter was redesigned to give it a stronger, more identifiable visual identity, and to promote the image of the world’s most visited museum. It anchors the institution in the 21st century while paying tribute to its rich history.
Since then, I’ve been the guardian of this charter, working with the Louvre to ensure that it is properly applied, and I develop it for all new media (from publishing templates to the museum’s many websites) and major institutional campaigns.
Posters for major exhibitions, logotypes for events, new activities within the museum and major exhibitions, concepts for sponsorship posters, mock-ups for new brochures, and graphic consultancy.
Client : Louvre museum,
with Dream On (2016-2020)
then Freelance (since 2021)
2016 – Now
Creative Directors: E.Hooreman, P.Guiraud
Concept & Copywriter on institutional campaigns: H.Prat
Concept & Art director : C.Manuel
Since 2021
Concept & Creative Director: C.Manuel

Campagne 30 ans metro

Campagne 30 ans Coulisses

Icone Spotify Podcasts Louvre

Tous Mécènes - 2018 Livre

Tous Mécènes - 2019 Arc Carrousel

Tous Mécènes - 2020 Apollon

Tous Mécènes - 2021 Tuileries

Tous Mécènes - 2022 Coupe camée

Tous Mécènes - 2023 Boite Choiseul

Brochure Auditorium Louvre 2018

Bannière Rivoli - Vinci

Bannière Rivoli - Les Choses

Bannière Rivoli - Naples à Paris

Couloir metro - Naples à Paris

Mat drapeau - Naples à Paris (Danae)

Mat drapeau - Naples à Paris (Atalante)